Adapting Indian Universals in Music Education

We design activities that enrich the lives of children, young people and adults: Melodious music and captivating rhythms in which to immerse ourselves joyfully and spontaneously; with self-confidence yet always together. Indian music fosters intercultural collaboration. Each facet lends itself to being adapted so as to reach out even to those for whom making music had so far seemed a distant dream. We call our educational programmes A I U M E because we are Adapting Indian Universals in Music Education. | Nederlands >>

Carnatic Singer Manickam Yogeswaran
playing the kudukuduppai (damaru)
during a family workshop at Museum Rietberg (Zurich) in 2008

While fostering creativity even without prior knowledge, we take the special needs of learners / teams into account. This in order to make a difference in situations where time, facilities or musical instruments are short in supply or even absence.

Carnatic Singer Manickam Yogeswaran
during the ISME World Conference
for Music Education in Thessaloniki

It is in this spirit that we have contributed to several of ISME’s world conferences for music education (Kuala Lumpur, Bologna, Thessaloniki and Glasgow), both together and individually.

AIUME programmes were developed and presented in cooperation with several institutions known for their intercultural outlook, including Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge, UK), Museum Rietberg (Zurich), as well as the conservatories and Schools for Teacher Education at Aarau (Switzerland), Groningen (Netherlands), Ouverture Spirituelle (Salzburg Festival), and  Bobigny (France). This in addition to collaborations with many smaller institutions and festivals all over Europe and beyond.

ISME world conference for music education Thessaloniki

Read or download his essay on South Indian music titled “Unity in Diversity, Antiquity in Contemporary Practice? South Indian Music Reconsidered” (Göttingen University Press):



Your collaboration is, I think, an inspiration to many. The presentation you both gave was the highlight of the conference for me. Fascinating discussion afterwards.

Paul Christiansen, Associate Professor of Musicology, School of Music, University of Southern Maine; on the paper and lecture recital presented by Manickam Yogeswaran and Ludwig Pesch at the International Congress of the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (email 17 September 2012).

Manickam Yogeswaran did fantastically well at the concert and also at the workshop, where student comments included ‘best workshop ever’ and ‘can we have him every week’?

Alan Rochford, Visiting Fellow, Anglia Ruskin University, and former Director of the Cambridge Music Festival.

All our little children are singing … the whole day. I’ve had two very nice days in your company … I’m deeply impressed by your voice and your perfection. Thanks a lot for that short insight and your music!

Montessori music pedagogue Susanne Beltz following a weekend workshop at Museum Rietberg, Zurich (by email)