Tyagaraja (1767-1847) – Sruti Magazine

The period 1750-1850 was a golden era in world music, when some of the greatest musician-composers lived and enriched the field. In Europe, Beethoven, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Schumann and others lived during this period and created the symphony repertoire. It is a significant coincidence that the Carnatic Music trinity—Tyagaraja (1767-1847), Muthuswami Dikshitar (1776-1835) and Syama Sastry …

Muthulakshmi Reddy – A Trailblazer in Surgery and Women’s Rights: Biography of a “reformer from the inside” by VR Devika

Muthulakshmi Reddy – A Trailblazer in Surgery and Women’s Rights is the story of a pioneer path-creator for women. She was the first girl student in Maharaja’s School for Boys in Pudukkottai, the first Indian woman surgeon from Madras Medical College, the first Indian member of the Women’s Indian Association, the first woman member of …

Video | Vocal recital by Dr. K. Gayatri – Naada Inbam Festival

https://youtube.com/watch?v=B1mFTTrceYE&feature=share Dr. K.Gayatri – Vocal,Vid. Vittal Rangan – Violin,Vid. R.Shankaranarayanan – Mridangam,Vid. H.Prasanna – Ghatam.Recording of Live Concert on 22.12.2022 Thursday 6.15pm Items in YouTube Comments by courtesy Swami Nathan >>(please check the above link for any updates) 1. ​Reethigowlai (after sloka) 00:02:302. Jaganmohini dayApayOnidhE mAm pAhi.. Composer: Mishu Krishna Aiyyar 00:10:113. Madhyamavathi ​naadupai balikeru …