Flow | Practicing “mela pairs”

A challenge to enjoy on a daily basis (30 min.): Select a popular melakarta raga to get into the “flow” >>(e.g. the 65th Mecakalyani) before exploring others (01 to 72) in 36 daily sessions, over and over again – Happy Flowing! Over a longer period, start each practice session with a mela having Prati Ma for …

How prehistoric societies were transformed by the sound of music

Amidst lively debates within and beyond India these perspectives on our shared legacy make interesting reading: Vainika Savithri Rajan who believed that Tyagaraja, like other great men, was always meditating, but his medium of expression was nādam, “sound”. In the introduction to his unfinished yet voluminous magnum opus Karunamirtha Sagaram, titled “The Dignity and Origin …

Flow | Mela practice – number patterns (3 counts)

Flow | Mela practice – svara pairs (3 counts) >> Rūpaka tāla (3 counts/syllables) Lesson 4: “ta ki ta“- trikāla = 3 speeds Full lesson: Practice four widely used Carnatic talas >> a = middle octave (madhya sthayi)’sa = higher octave (tara sthayi) The above svara pattern may be sung, hummed or practiced silently with any …

Birdsong in Indian music: “A rich tapestry that intertwines music, poetry and nature”

Read “How images of birds enliven Indian classical music” by Chitra Srikrishna (Scroll, 2 February 2025) along with images and YouTube contents:https://scroll.in/article/1077488/how-images-of-birds-enliven-indian-classical-music Bhakti poet Andal, Marathi mystic Dhyaneshwar and Tamil poet Subramania Bharati have all used birds as rich metaphorical devices. Both the Carnatic and Hindustani classical traditions are filled with the songs of birds. …