Flow | Mela practice – svara pairs (3 counts)

Rūpaka tāla (3 counts/syllables) Lesson 4: “ta ki ta“- trikāla = 3 speeds Full lesson: Practice four widely used Carnatic talas >> Listen & learn more Listen to a rendition by Meera Seshadri in Rupaka tala (tala starting from 1:18): Bhupala Gitam (5 notes) >> Vocalists and instrumentalists practice pairs of notes (janta svara) with the …

A music that connects amidst multiple crises: “Joyful subtle insights”

The most rewarding task for teachers and performers may well be to convey Tyagaraja’s last message to his disciples and the world, one that may liberate us by letting go of artificially separatist views of culture, creed and nature as well (given the multiple crises humankind is faced with on a daily basis): Paramātma is brightly shining …

Time theory in Vivekananda’s Concepts of Indian Classical Music

Explore >> The notion of a particular time prescribed for ragas (gāna kāla) plays a greater role in Hindustani music than for exponents of its southern counterpart where sārvakālika ragas prevail: ragas suited to any day or night time. A few ragas nevertheless continue to be associated with the moods indicated by song lyrics (notably …

How prehistoric societies were transformed by the sound of music

Amidst lively debates within and beyond India these perspectives on our shared legacy make interesting reading: Vainika Savithri Rajan who believed that Tyagaraja, like other great men, was always meditating, but his medium of expression was nādam, “sound”. In the introduction to his unfinished yet voluminous magnum opus Karunamirtha Sagaram, titled “The Dignity and Origin …

Audio | Shobhillu Saptasvara: Abhyasa gana guided by Savithri Rajan

This production is based on the book Shobhillu Saptasvara: svarāvali, gītam, prabandham, sūlādi | Find a library copy on Worldcat.org >> Savithri Rajan provides a spoken “Introduction to Shobhillu Saptasvara” on the first track. View or download two excerpts from the book: (1) a gitam in standard notation (raga Hamsadhvani) and (2) an excerpt on the historical context and current …