Flow | Janya practice 5 notes – raga Valaji 

An exercise for raga Valaji (YouTube) >> The above exercise is inspired by the eminent violin duo Lalgudi G.J.R. Krishnan & Lalgudi Vijayalakshmi rendering a varnam by their late fatherLalgudi Shri. G Jayaraman: Chalamu seya in Adi tala1 raagam: valaci (valaji), 16 cakravAkam janyaAa: … Continue reading “Flow | Janya practice 5 notes – raga Valaji “Live …

Flow | Janya practice 5 notes – raga Hamsadhvani

An exercise for raga Hamsadhvani (YouTube) >>Find song lyrics (composers) & translations for these and other ragas >> The above exercise is inspired by the rendition by eminent flautist J.A. Jayant (YouTube Channel):Gaayathi Vanamali by Sadasiva Brahmendra in Adi talaListen to a Varnam sung by Bhushany Kalyanaraman >> raagam: hamsadhvaniAa: S R2 G3 P N3 S | …

Flow | Janya practice 5 notes

sa = middle octave (madhya sthayi), ‘sa = higher octave (tara sthayi)Explore renditions of raga Mohana, raga Bhupalam, raga Revagupti & Hindustani rag Bhupali on YouTube >>Find song lyrics (composers) & translations for these and other ragas >> The above figures lend themselves to several ragas of Carnatic music: raagam: mOhanam = raagam: bhUpALi (derived from the …

Flow | Janya practice 6 notes

sa = middle octave (madhya sthayi), ‘sa = higher octave (tara sthayi)Listen to a kriti (2nd item) sung by Bhushany Kalyanaraman >>Explore other renditions of raga Sriranjani and raga Hamsanandi on YouTube >>Find song lyrics (composers) & translations for these and other ragas > raagam: hamsAnandiAa: S R1 G3 M2 D2 N3 S | Av: S N3 …

Flow | Mela practice

sa = middle octave (madhya sthayi), ‘sa = higher octave (tara sthayi)Explore renditions of raga Mayamalavagaula, raga (Dhira)Sankarabharanam and raga (Meca)Kalyani on YouTube >>Listen to two kritis in ragas Simhendramadhyamam and Sankarabharanam (6th and 7th items)sung by Bhushany Kalyanaraman >>Find song lyrics (composers) & translations for these and other ragas >> raagam: mAyAmALavagauLaAa: S R1 G3 M1 …