Audio | “Dedication to her guru, Veena Dhanammal” by Savithri Rajan

“The greatest, most beautiful thing is compassion expressed through music” – Savithri Rajan Excerpt from: Tyagaraja and the Renewal of Tradition: Translations and Reflections by William Jackson (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, 1994), pp. 174-175 How does Savithri Rajan perceive Tyagaraja? She characterizes Tyagaraja as an heroic soul who was able to reach out through shared feelings …

Audio | Live concert by Bhushany Kalyanaraman

Bhushany Kalyanaraman Complete live recording of a classical South Indian (Carnatic) vocal recital with announcements for each item Items 1. Mangalavara Ganapate (Varnam) 05:14Raga: Hamsadhvani; Tala: Adi; Composer: Tanjavoor S. Kalyanaraman 2. Sogasuga Mridanga Talamu (Kriti) 11:29Raga: Sriranjani; Tala: Rupakam; Composer: Tyagaraja 3.Taye Tripura Sundari (Kriti) 07:05Raga: Suddhasaveri; Tala: Khanda Chapu; Composer: Periyaswami Tooran 4. Minakshi …

Video | Vocal recital by Dr. K. Gayatri – Naada Inbam Festival Dr. K.Gayatri – Vocal,Vid. Vittal Rangan – Violin,Vid. R.Shankaranarayanan – Mridangam,Vid. H.Prasanna – Ghatam.Recording of Live Concert on 22.12.2022 Thursday 6.15pm Items in YouTube Comments by courtesy Swami Nathan >>(please check the above link for any updates) 1. ​Reethigowlai (after sloka) 00:02:302. Jaganmohini dayApayOnidhE mAm pAhi.. Composer: Mishu Krishna Aiyyar 00:10:113. Madhyamavathi ​naadupai balikeru …

“Cosmic Order, Cosmic Play: An Indian Approach to Rhythmic Diversity”

Music by T.R. SundaresanConcept by Ludwig PeschInspired by a conversation on the subject of ‘korvai’ with the late Sangita Vidwan S. Rajam Cosmic_Order_Cosmic_Play-Ludwig_Pesch_KIT2001_webDownload Originally published in 2001 by KIT Publishers in Rhythm, A Dance in Time by Elisabeth den Otter (ed.) in conjunction with the exhibition titled “Ritme, dans van de tijd” at the Tropenmuseum …

Video | Jati (konnakkol) exercise for intercultural education

Tony Makarome teaching a musicianship class at Yong Siew Toh Conservatory (Singapore)with the help of Carnatic jatis (solfège)*Subject: Till Eulenspiegel’s Merry Pranks by Richard Strauss >>Courtesy © Tony Makarome – mridangam student of TR Sundaresan >> I am working on a new composition for a singer, to be premiered in the States which is based …