Flow | Practicing “mela pairs”

A challenge to enjoy on a daily basis (30 min.): Select a popular melakarta raga to get into the “flow” >>(e.g. the 65th Mecakalyani) before exploring others (01 to 72) in 36 daily sessions, over and over again – Happy Flowing! Over a longer period, start each practice session with a mela having Prati Ma for …

Flow | Mela practice – number patterns (3 counts)

Flow | Mela practice – svara pairs (3 counts) >> Rūpaka tāla (3 counts/syllables) Lesson 4: “ta ki ta“- trikāla = 3 speeds Full lesson: Practice four widely used Carnatic talas >> a = middle octave (madhya sthayi)’sa = higher octave (tara sthayi) The above svara pattern may be sung, hummed or practiced silently with any …

“The fundamental principle is joy” – Music education pioneer VV Sadagopan

“Children should grow with joy, courage and freedom and a discipline born out of these attributes. The fundamental principle is joy, suggestion must be the method, the emphasis should be on the imaginative and creative experience of music and teaching should follow a “flow-form-flow” spiral. – VV Sadagopan | PDF-Repository >> World Children’s Day (20 September) …

Flow | And what about rhythm? – Let’s go on a musical walk!

Here’s a delightful “flow-exercise” of a different kind: nadai in rupaka tala Source: A rhythmical composition (nadai) in rupaka tala The Oxford Illustrated Companion to South Indian Classical Music (Table 22, p. 226)Audio: listen to a similar version: Excercise in Rupaka tala by TR Sundaresan | More >> South Indian music has a vast repertory …

Flow | The right tempo or “kalapramanam”

If there is a single feature of Carnatic music to account for its mesmerizing effect on listeners it may well be a feature known as kalapramanam: practicing rhythm (laya) ((‘”The sense of rhythm gives us a feeling of freedom, luxury, and expanse. It gives us a feeling of achievement in molding or creating. It gives …