Up-to-date information: Composers, musicians, scholars, publications and special events

Custom search – press and websites For up-to-date information from several leading periodicals and other websites, simply type one or several keywords such as a personal name or institution you want to learn more about (e.g. “carnatic”, “karnatak composer”, “hindustani musician”, “ragamalika”); optionally add a city or state (e.g. “Madurai singer”, “Karnataka violinist”, “Trivandrum music festival”, “Chennai music season”): …

“My music is an extension of my tambura” – Bombay Jayashri

Can digital alternatives substitute the original symbol of sruti?by Aruna Chandaraju in The Hindu, 29 March 2018 >>Classical musicians have many concerns. A major one is having a perfectly tuned tambura — when practising and performing. Naturally. The tambura aka tanpura, is the keeper of the pitch. It is the guardian of the right note. …

Google Custom Search requires JavaScript

In order to see and use Google Custom Search, JavaScript needs to be enabled in your internet browser. This screenshot shows what a Google Custom Search window looks like: Note: the above illustration is not active; to enter your keywords or names in an active Search field, please return to Find song lyrics or Custom search – press and websites. If JavaScript …