Subbulakshmi and contemporary feminism: Sunil Khilnani on BBC Radio 4 Incarnations: India in 50 Lives

Listen to this programme on BBC Radio 4 (15 minutes) >>Find song lyrics, translations and more (type “M.S. Subbulakshmi”) >> M.S. SubbulakshmiBorn 16 September 1916. Died 11 December 2004Madurai Shanmukhavadivu Subbulakshmi (Tamil: மதுரை சண்முகவடிவு சுப்புலட்சுமி, Madurai Shanmukhavadivu Subbulakshmi ? 16 September 1916 – 11 December 2004), also known as M.S., was a Carnatic vocalist. She was the first musician ever …

Mahatma Gandhi on “music of mind, of the senses and of the heart”

Very few people know that Gandhi was extremely fond of Music and arts. Most of us have been all along under the impression that he was against all arts such as music. In fact, he was a great lover of music, though his philosophy of music was different. In his own words ‘Music does not …

Raga, Tala and Pedagogy: On the First Steps in Carnatic Music

Tips to fully appreciate the following points, listen to a vocal rendition of ‘Sri Gananatha’ by Sreevidhya Chandramouli, specially recorded for the benefit of all learners >> practice Rūpaka tāla (3 counts) while listening to Sreevidhya Chandramouli’s singing; to get prepared follow this exercise: audio track 4 in Practice four widely used Carnatic talas >> …

Music that heals our minds, our hearts and spirit, and our body, and connects

Why not play music together and connect again – the way families have shared music for thousands of years, and long before music became a commodity? Listen to Spark’s Next Big Thing series, which explores how technology in various guises might affect humanity in the far future: How will we experience music in 2050? >>