Raga, Tala and Pedagogy: On the First Steps in Carnatic Music

Tips to fully appreciate the following points, listen to a vocal rendition of ‘Sri Gananatha’ by Sreevidhya Chandramouli, specially recorded for the benefit of all learners >> practice Rūpaka tāla (3 counts) while listening to Sreevidhya Chandramouli’s singing; to get prepared follow this exercise: audio track 4 in Practice four widely used Carnatic talas >> …

Music that heals our minds, our hearts and spirit, and our body, and connects

Why not play music together and connect again – the way families have shared music for thousands of years, and long before music became a commodity? Listen to Spark’s Next Big Thing series, which explores how technology in various guises might affect humanity in the far future: How will we experience music in 2050? >>

Google Custom Search requires JavaScript

In order to see and use Google Custom Search, JavaScript needs to be enabled in your internet browser. This screenshot shows what a Google Custom Search window looks like: Note: the above illustration is not active; to enter your keywords or names in an active Search field, please return to Find song lyrics or Custom search – press and websites. If JavaScript …