Select a popular melakarta raga to get into the “flow” >> (e.g. the 65th Mecakalyani) before exploring others (01 to 72) in 36 daily sessions, over and over again – Happy Flowing!
Over a longer period, start each practice session with a mela having Prati Ma for the ascending svara pattern (arohana), e.g. 37 or 72. Then sing its corresponding mela containing Suddha Ma for the descending svara pattern (avarohana), e.g. 01 or 36. For the above examples, “mela pair” practice means combining 29 & 65, 01 & 37 and 36 & 72 respectively. Please note: the corresponding numbers within each pair always differ by 36.
Audio | Sruti selection for different vocal ranges and ragas