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Pallavi | A musical tribute to Dr Pia & Prof SA Srinivasan – Sannidi Academy of Music and Arts
Pallavi Srīnivāsa Pia Priyāya NamasteSangīta Sāhitya RasikaCatusra Jāti Triputa TālaHamsānandi Rāga This concise vocal composition (pallavi) by Vidvan TR Sundaresan pays tribute (namaste) two outstanding personalities in this field:Dr. Pia Srinivasan & Prof. SA Srinivasan whose affection (priya) and discerning patronage (rasika) of the language of music (sangīta sāhitya) could hardly be expressed better than …
Raga Sri | A musical tribute to Dr. Pia Buonomo Srinivasan – Brhaddhvani Dr. Karaikudi Subramanian and Dr. Meenakshi Subramanian salute Dr. Pia Buonomo Srinivasan (May 15, 1931 - April 8, 2022)1 for her respect and selfless contribution to vina and its tradition. [...] We dedicate the raga Sri ((The most concise …
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- Date as per official records, corrected from May 14 preferred and shared for personal reasons [↩]
In memoriam Pia Srinivasan Buonomo (15 May 1931 – 8 April 2022)
With vainika Rajeswari Padmanabhan(Madras, winter 1974-75) With the demise of Dr. Pia Srinivasan, the world of Indian music has lost one of its most fervent supporters. For over three decades she and her husband, renowned Indologist Prof. S.A. Srinivasan, spared no effort to acquaint discerning music lovers with the intricacies of South Indian classical music; …
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Oral transmission vs. notation in Carnatic music: Pondering the “original pathantaram-s of kriti-s”
One of the debated topics in Carnatic music is the deviation by musicians from the so-called ‘original’ pathantaram of kriti-s. This article is not an attempt to provide a conclusive answer to end the debate but a constructive provocation and an invitation for opening up the topic for a wider debate. [...] While in matters …