Enter one or several keywords such as a composer’s name (personal name or mudra “signature”), a composition you want to learn more about; or just its raga.
- to start with, simply hit the Enter-key after typing the spelling you are familiar with (additional variants may have capital letters for long vowels (“A” for “aa”)
- then try other spellings, including joint and split variants (there is no standard English transliteration for all linguistic features found in Carnatic lyrics)
- restrict the results to one website by adding its name in the search field (e.g. “Balamurali Krishna lyrics karnatik.com” or “Dikshitar lyrics musicresearchlibrary”, “Purandara lyrics carnaticcorner.com”)
- on Mohan Ayyar’s amazing carnaticcorner.com website you find additional links under the heading “Lyrics Sites sorted by Composer”
Websites included in the above Google custom search
- www.carnaticcorner.com
- www.karnatik.com
- https://musicresearchlibrary.net
- https://www.ragasurabhi.com
- https://worldcat.org
Tip: find ad-free search for video contents and educational resources >>
Feel free to suggest other suitable websites for future inclusion!
Technical support for browser viewing (CustomSearch)
If your browser does not display the correct CustomSearch window, try the following steps:
- click the current post heading (works when viewing a list of summaries)
- toggle from “reader view” to normal view
- directly view the websites include (e.g. Dictionaries)
More tips >>
Disclaimer: hyperlinks are meant for fact-checking and information purposes only >>