Video | Vocal recital by Dr. K. Gayatri – Naada Inbam Festival

Dr. K.Gayatri – Vocal,
Vid. Vittal Rangan – Violin,
Vid. R.Shankaranarayanan – Mridangam,
Vid. H.Prasanna – Ghatam.
Recording of Live Concert on 22.12.2022 Thursday 6.15pm

Items in YouTube Comments by courtesy Swami Nathan >>
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1. ​Reethigowlai (after sloka) 00:02:30
2. Jaganmohini dayApayOnidhE mAm pAhi.. Composer: Mishu Krishna Aiyyar 00:10:11
3. Madhyamavathi ​naadupai balikeru thyagaraja 00:17:20
4. Kedaragowla alapana 00:31:02 antha raama soundaryam Arunachala kavi 00:45:55
5. Veeravasanta vIra vasanta tyAgarAja mAm tArayAshu karuNA nidhE jaya (MSD) 00:54:50
6. Garudadhwani raga – Garuda Garuda ? -by her guru Smt. Suguna Purushottaman 00:58:30
7. Kalayani alapana 1:02:00 ​talli ninnu neranammi (Shyama Sastri) 1:18:30 Thani 1:38:03
8. virutham Petra thay thani maga marandhalm (raga malika) 1:55:12 Nadanamakriya ArAr Ashaip-paDAr nin pAdattukku … Shri Muthu Thandavar… 2:00:35
9. Mand thillana Lalgudi Jayaraman (see reply for lyrics) 2:03:45
10. Bhavamana 2:08:10

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